Victoria Lawyer Michael Mulligan on CFAX 1070 – Legally Speaking with Pamela McCall – discussing police highway closures for the purpose of accident investigation. As occurred near Nanaimo recently, police will, with some frequency, close major highways and bridges in order to conduct accident investigations. Typically, the length of the closure will be in some […]
Michael Mulligan – Times Colonist Opinion Piece – Victoria Police Chief Elsner
/in Legal News /by mtp_adminVictoria Lawyer Michael Mulligan – Times Colonist Opinion Piece – Sep. 8, 2016
Michael Mulligan – Times Colonist – Give Police Guidance on Traffic Investigations
/in Legal News /by mtp_adminTimes Colonist opinion piece by Victoria Lawyer Michael Mulligan on the desirability of legislative guidance for police conducting traffic accident investigations on major highways:
Should there be a time limit on highway closures to investigate accidents?
/in Legal News /by mtp_adminVictoria Lawyer Michael Mulligan on CFAX 1070 – Legally Speaking with Pamela McCall – discussing police highway closures for the purpose of accident investigation. As occurred near Nanaimo recently, police will, with some frequency, close major highways and bridges in order to conduct accident investigations. Typically, the length of the closure will be in some […]
Legally Speaking – Legal Aid for Mentally Ill
/in Legal News /by mtp_adminVictoria lawyer Michael Mulligan on CFAX 1070 – Legally Speaking – discussing the inadequacy of legal aid for mentally ill people who are involuntarily committed to hospital. In British Columbia you can be involuntarily committed to hospital if a doctor believes it is necessary to prevent your mental or physical deterioration or to protect you or […]
Legally Speaking – Realtor Regulation in BC
/in Legal News /by mtp_adminVictoria lawyer Michael Mulligan on CFAX 1070 – Legally Speaking – discussing changes to the regulation of realtors in British Columbia. A report examining the regulation of realtors in BC has prompted the BC government to announce plans to change the self governance structure it introduced a decade ago. Rather that being regulated by the Real […]
Legally Speaking – Courthouse Camp Fire Inspection and Accident Investigation
/in Legal News /by mtp_adminVictoria lawyer Michael Mulligan on CFAX 1070 – Legally Speaking – discussing the Fire Commissioner investigation into the camp on the lawn of the Victoria courthouse and the investigation into an accident involving the driver who struck and killed Cst. Sarah Beckett. The Fire Services Act allows the Fire Commissioner to issue orders to remove, destroy, or alter premises […]
Mike Duffy not guilty and Liberal marijuana plans on Legally Speaking
/in Legal News /by mtp_adminVictoria lawyer Michael Mulligan on CFAX 1070 – Legally Speaking – discussing Senator Mike Duffy being found not guilty and Liberal plans to legalize marijuana. In a complete vindication for Senator Mike Duffy he was found not guilty of all 31 charges relating to travel expenses, his residence, and the notorious $90,000 payment by Nigel […]
Legally Speaking – Michael Mulligan – The death of Cst. Sarah Beckett and Interim Injunction Denied for Courthouse Camp
/in Legal News /by mtp_adminVictoria lawyer Michael Mulligan on CFAX 1070 – Legally Speaking – discussing the release, without charges, of the driver who collided with Cst. Sarah Beckett resulting in her death. The decision of Chief Justice Hinkson to deny an interim injunction to remove the campers from the Victoria courthouse lawn is also discussed. With respect to […]
Michael Mulligan Times Colonist – Ghomeshi
/in Legal News /by mtp_adminA response by Michael Mulligan to a commentary, also published in the Times Colonist, by two law school professors who criticized the judge and judgement in the Ghomeshi case. The April 7 response by Michael Mulligan The April 5 comment by professors Gillian Calder and Rebecca Johnson
RCMP officer sentenced Ghomeshi Acquitted and BC Election Finance
/in Legal News /by mtp_adminVictoria lawyer Michael Mulligan on CFAX 1070 Legally Speaking discussing a Sidney / North Saanich RCMP officer sentenced to six months in jail for possession of child pornography, the judge’s reasons for acquitting Jian Gomeshi, and BC election finances laws that permit unlimited donations. RCMP officer sentenced to 6 months A Sidney / North Saanich RCMP […]